Ketawa Ketiwi

Papa bersin, ade ketawa2.

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Naek tangga

Si Jet udah diajarin buat naik tangga, dia kayanya udah confident, cuman masih belum berani turun tangga, masih suka mikir.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”350″ width=”468″ quality=”high” allowScriptAccess=”always” loop=”false” fvars=”config={playList:[{url:’’,overlayId:’play’},{url:’’}],initialScale:’scale’,autoBuffering: false,loop:false}” /]

Sikat gigi

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”350″ width=”468″ quality=”high” allowScriptAccess=”always” loop=”false” fvars=”config={playList:[{url:’’,overlayId:’play’},{url:’’}],initialScale:’scale’,autoBuffering: false,loop:false}” /]

Codot (testing video)

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Another trip

To celebrate Jet’s 1st birthday, Oma wanted to give him a small birthday party in Surabaya. We thought it would be a good time to go back as Ama and Engkong haven’t seen Jet for awhile too. So we flew to Surabaya on the 28th July.

Jet wasn’t eating and sleeping well during his stay in Surabaya. But nonetheless he’s still a good entertainer, Oma, Ciknga and Makco were very happy having him around the house. He managed to pull his best personality when he’s around people, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case when he’s just with his parents.

Oma held a small-ish birthday party for him. It was held on Resto Nine, which is quite close to where I live.

After few days in Surabaya, it was time to go to Ambon, Lina’s hometown. There he’s eating and sleeping pattern have improved, that’s also probably due to the fact that it was rainy and cold for most of the days when we were there. On the first few days, he was ill, he’s got minor fever for 1-2 days, but thankfully it wasn’t anything serious. This time Ama and Engkong also gave Jet a small birthday party. As Ambon has quite a few of beautiful beaches, we had planned to take Jet for swimming, however the weather prevented us to do so.

After about 3 weeks in Ambon, Jet, Lina and Ama came (back) to Surabaya, spent another 4 days there and then flew to Singapore. I think in Singapore Jet and Lina were having their best time for this holiday. Most notable is their visit to Sentosa Island, where Jet finally being able to taste the sea water as well as touching big snake (hii.. ). I was told that Jet also took a liking to San and Lisye’s dog Mavin.

Hii Snake!
Nice Doggy
Jet and Mavin

Now Jet is back in Sydney, he doesn’t want to sleep in the cot anymore (as he hasn’t been sleeping in the cot for weeks).. We are planning to get Jet to sleep on his own on a separate room to us, not sure how’s that going to work now.. But we shall see.