Jet – The Fantastic Four

Today Jet is turning four. We went holidaying to Gold Coast (sort of) to celebrate his birthday.

The holiday was very nice – Surfer Paradise on July was perfect. Jet most certainly enjoyed his time there.

Prayed that you will be Jesus’ follower one day (if not already) and tell people about him too..

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Jet funny comments

ginger bread man - not super hero!
not super hero

Ci Chen: So Jet are you going to take picture with Batman?
Jet: NOO! I don’t want to take picture with a bad man.
Ci Chen: No, Koko, Batman is not bad man – he’s super hero, you know super heroes like Batman, Superman..
Jet: Ok, how about Ginger Bread man??

Mama: You need to eat your veggie so that you can grow tall like your papa.
Jet: No, I don’t want to grow tall like a tree. I don’t want to be a monster.

Papa: Let’s pray for Guakong supaya sehat.
Jet: Dear God, pray for Guakong’s haircut.

WARNING – adult content 🙂
Jet: What’s this mama?
Mama: It’s a pineapple cake.
Jet: A nipple cake???

Recent Hardships

In the last few weeks, Matthew has been having problem sleeping at night. It has to do with his ongoing cough, in the middle of his sleep, he’d cough and awaken – sometimes he can fall asleep again by himself but at other times he’s fully awake and cries in frustration. This affects Lina badly as she’s sleeping with Matthew. Both of them hasn’t been able to sleep well at all.

Continue reading Recent Hardships

Bedtime Conversations

I have been enjoying bedtime conversations with Jet lately. We usually read the children bible together before going to bed (me, Jet and Matt – and sometimes Lina too),  after the bible reading and praying – Matt goes with Lina to their room and I accompany Jet for ten minutes or so before he goes to sleep.

Jet likes to talk and to share his stories and his feelings. Today he told me that on Thursday he was sad because he was left out by some his friends that he usually play with. He also loves telling me about his friends too. I am a bit concerned that he has best friends, which seems to imply he prefers some friends than the others – I encourage him to be a good friend to everyone – not sure how realistic is that in the real life. I mean even us adults to get along with everyone and we ourselves prefer some people better than the other.

I really treasure this time with Jet – maybe when Matt is older – I would have this kind of conversation with him too. And I hope I can keep conversing and relating with my children and they too can be open and comfortable talking to me.

Five years of marriage

Last Friday was our 5th year anniversary being married. It wasn’t always easy being married and having 2 kids added on top of it – but yeah I do thank God for my wife and for our marriage. I really couldn’t asked for a better wife than Lina. She’s a good wife, a good mother and a good friend.

We had a nice dinner at Lowenbrau on Saturday night, had a nice conversation too.

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Matthew turning 1

Wow, time really did fly – I can’t believe Matthew is one year old now. We were celebrating his birthday in Singapore with both family members from my side and from Lina’s side are there.

We had a good time and certainly very good food! On that day, we also celebrated Coco’s 75 birthday.


Tiup lilinnya – seperti biasa koko yang paling semangat. The cake was huge and tasted really nice.


Too much delicious (and traditional) food in addition to the huge cake..

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So excited – oblivious to the fact that he has turned one today.


Matt enjoying the bling2s given as present for him.

Son, my wish for you is to know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and that you will be used by God for his glory.

Swimming Jet

Jet gayanya very confident sebelum masuk kolam renang – all gears in check! Lengkap dengan mini AFL ball (ga dipake akhirnya).


Tapi setelah liat air dianya jadi cold feet – ga mau masuk – mau duduk2 doang di pinggir kolam renang – setelah dibujuk2 akhirnya mau masuk tapi gw mesti gendong-in.


Setelah 1/2 jam-an, dengan agak dipaksa2 dan Jetnya teriak2 akhirnya dia mau juga agak dilepasin cuman pegang tangan doang dan dianya splashing around freestyle – mission accomplished! 🙂

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Getting to know Jet more

Well, the first week of my mini retirement was really good. Lina is preparing for her L license Driver Knowledge Test – so she asked me to get Jet out of the house on certain times of the day (mainly in the morning) so she can concentrate and study.

So as a consequence I have been spending time quite a lot with Jet. On Monday – we went to the new Randwick Library, Tuesday – we went to Unigym Pool – trying to get him comfortable with water as he’s still afraid at the moment and then today we went to play basketball/soccer together.

One thing that me and Lina noticed is – Jet’s behaviour has improved dramatically this week. So it seems me being around more has a positive impact on him.

I also get to know him better, I noticed his conversational skills have gone up to another level, I noticed how good he is looking after Matt, there’s a soft side of him that I never really pay attention before. There’s just a lot of things that I would never know about him if I’m not having this break.

Lina is also less tired and less tense, so she can relate better to me and the boys as well.

Furthermore today we started to read the bible together again, hopefully we can keep the rhythm going. We used to read the bible every day before, but then busyness of life kind of kill the good habit.