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1 month

Jeremiah is one month old today. Bought a cake, with a thought of taking family picture, but home tonight was not a perfect picture taking night, so we’re saving the picture taking session for tomorrow.

Jet’s hair has fallen quite a bit, he’s gonna be bald soon I guess (hm bald.. dad’s worst nightmare). Jet skin’s seems to be improving now, the redness has subside but the “pimples” are still there.

Apparently 1 month is a big thing for Indo ppl, mom in sby has been sending out gifts to relatives and close friends. Lina and her mom made some red eggs to share with ppl too, maybe with Pelitan ppl.


I’m blogging this with my right hand while holding jet using my left, boy this is hard work. Hm, when Jet gets heavier maybe I can use him for my weight training, now that I have even less time for exercise.

Jet smiled more often starting 2 days ago maybe he already got over the birth trauma, or maybe he just knew that he can actually smile, boy the smile really melts my hart. People (read family) have also noticed that his eyes are getting larger now, so large that sometimes he gives us that ‘evil’ stare, creepily cute.

Someone gave us “a toy” that can play those kid tunes, Jet didn’t like it, he covered his ears (at least that’s what i think) whenever we turned it on. He doesn’t mind my normal music, which include a healthy dose of rock music, but I also try to include classical music to balance it out.

Welcome to the planet

Friday night 21/05/2006, the contraction started to feel a bit different than usual, was prepared
to go, but the contractions weren’t sustained, they subsided on the following Saturday morning.

Saturday 22/05/2006, we just stayed at home. At night the same story happened, more contractions,
quite regular and the pain was increasing. But just like the Friday night’s the contractions didn’t
last. Lina managed to sleep just 2 hours starting at about 4am ish, by the time she woke up, the
contractions were irregular and decreasing in intensity, we were dissapointed. And it’s quite obvious that the lack
of sleep has started to taken its toll on Lina.

Sunday 23/07/2006, we skipped church today, Lina was quite cheerful today, she managed to watch
Full Metal Panic the whole afternoon, and me playing Call of Duty. The basketball wasn’t on, which is probably a good thing
as of Sunday night was the beginning of the tough journey for both of us. Sunday night, like before the contractions
were there, again it was increasing in intensity compared to the day before. The fact that Lina
hasn’t been able to sleep properly for 2 nights, make the pain even more painful for her.
On the
5th call to the hospital (starting from Friday), the hospital finally told her to come in for a check.
It was about 9.30pm. The result of the check, was quite dissapointing for both of us (and our family
who were eager to get the show going), the contractions in 2-3 days only produced a 1cm dilation (which means Lina was still in pre-labour stage, a long way to go they said).
Lina was given pain relief and asked whether she would like to
stay on the hospital or going home and try to get sleep and rest, we opted for staying home.

Monday, 24/07.
At home, the pain killer didn’t really help with the pain, at 2.30am, Lina still in terrible pain,
she found a trace of blood, we called the hospital and again we came to the hospital, this time we
were staying in.
Today the contractions were quite regular (to us, but apparently not for the hospital people), the intervals were shorter, the only thing that’s irregular is the pain intensity (the pain was definetely far greater than before, but it is not always increasing with each contractions). They kept on telling us: “it’s still going to be awhile”.
As a husband, it’s quite tough experience to see you wife is pain and you really can’t do anything about it, if we husbands can share half of the pain that would be great wouldn’t it?
Tuesday 25/07.
Jet was born on 6.23am. He cried after came out, he wasn’t as loud as I expected, and he didn’t really
cry for long.
It’s time for dad to face up early challenges. With quite tired, managed to assemble the stroller.
I doubt that we will use it soon, but I think it’s a good idea to have it handy anyway.

Wednesday, 26/07
In the afternoon, finally the car seat’s instruction booklet started to make sense. I tell ya, it was
a poorly written booklet. Install it in our car.
Came to visit Lina and jet again. Attended a bathing class at the hospital, I was the one who bathed
the baby, as Lina’s hand is not allowed to get wet as she’s got a wound from the IV.