Taken at Casey’s Studio Surabaya. Kids photo studio is not that popular (yet?) here in Sydney (or maybe I just don’t know much), but they are back in Indo. There you go, a business idea if you like taking babies and kids pictures.
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5th month
Wow, it’s been 5 months already! This month Jet started eating solid a little bit, I think he is quite enjoying it. The first eating solid was on 29/11/2006.
His other achievement is being able to.. hm what’s the word here, flip or roll himself to the position below:
Jet is also able to sit upright for few seconds now.
4th month
Jet has grown stronger this month and more active too. His neck now is strong enough to keep his head straight, his back is also getting stronger, thus we are able to sit him upright for a period of time.
He’s quite active while he sleeps. During sleep somehow he likes to move closer to Lina. Lina also claimed that Jet tried to wake her up by gently stroking her face and muttering some baby words.
No longer Jet puts the whole hand into the mouth (maybe it’s getting to big to put into his mouth), but he now selectively picked his right hand thumb as his favourite sucking object. This is something that we are trying to prevent him from doing. One way to prevent him from doing this is to put a mitten on, however he has discovered ways to take off his mitten.. He usually suck his thumb whenever he wants to sleep, Lina is trying some things to prevent this from becoming his sleeping habit.
Jet dislikes playing by himself for a long period of time, when he’s bored he will shout for attention. Hm, beginning to act like a small boss..
Jet has also been known to laugh louder and longer now. He’s easily amused and hence we are able to make him smile on most of his pictures.
3rd month
Jet’s traveled overseas for the first time of his life. Thank God he had been very good on the plane both on the way to Indo and back from Indo. He also had no health problems whatsoever which is very good.
Jet did a photo shoot on a kid photo studio. The result was really good and cute! My favourite is Jet dressed as a watermelon.
Coming back home, it’s decided that his patchy hair does not look good and thus a shaving of the head is needed.
Now he’s plontos, Lina called him Jet Gunawan (gundul menawan). Hm.
That’s Opa, Jet. When you got out from the womb, the first thing that I noticed was your nose, it’s Opa’s nose. Oma said it too when she first met you. Opa meninggal yesterday, it’s too bad you’ll never know him well. He would be a great Opa for you, just by the look of his face, I know he loved you so much. My hope is Jet, that I will be even a better father than him.
2nd month
2nd month, Jet is getting more chattery, if he’s in the mood, you might be able to get a conversation out of him.
Bye2x Ama and Engkong
It was an emotional day for lina, me (to some extent) and her parents. Ama and engkong left today after 2 months staying with us, helping out with things so that Lina can concentrate on Jet.
Funny sounds and restless nights
Jet has started to making sound, he used to make a “la la” sound, now his favourite sound is “genggeng” (in indo pronounciation), sometimes he makes a “inggih” sound too (which means yes in javanese). Can’t wait for his first proper word.
When people ask how is it going with the baby, our response was always “oh the baby is good, we are able to sleep through the night” etc2, well it hasn’t been the case for the past week or so. Jet is restless after the last feed of the day (around 11pm – 12am) when he’s supposed to start sleeping, sometimes it takes 1 hour just to get him to sleep. Not sure whether he is sick, better check with a doctor/GP soon.