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Jet has learnt these words:

  • Nggak mau
  • Nggak tau
  • Nggak pa pa
  • Ya udah

Come to think of it, are we the only parents in Pelita (GKP) that teach and speak Indo to our child? I think those indo phrases are cuter for the baby to say than the English counterpart.

Ade jatuh

Barusan pulang dari rumah sakit.. Pas Sui ultah lagi.. hm hm. Pas pulang dari kantor, on the bus, I got a phone call from Sui telling me that Jet fell and vomitted twice.

Ceritanya sekitar jam 5.30-an somehow ade masuk kamar gw without anyone knowing (ling dan cece di luar), terus tiba2 ada bunyi DUK terus ade nangis.. Abis itu ade jadi clingy dan lemes pas jam 6.30-an dia muntah..

So akhirnya another visit to the Randwick Children Hospital deh. Ternyata dia ngga pa pa Thank God! Kata dokter vomitting nya most likely karena virus (dia agak demam juga sih) or something else not related to the fall.. but we were told to keep watch on his temperature (of course). After stayed di hospital selama 2 jam-an akhirnya jam 9.30 boleh pulang.. Besok ke GP deh..

Wah cape hari ini.

Jet Februari 2008 updates

2 minggu lalu hobi Jet coret2 anything pake spidol/bolpen, sprei di kamar gw penuh coretan jet. Kertas2 gw juga ga aman dari hobinya. Tapi belakangan udah kaga tuh, mungkin karena ga dapet pen/spidol kali.

Perkataan2 baru Jet:

Aduuuuh, biasanya sehabis dia bikin something yg dia tahu kita ga suka.. misalnya numpahin air, kalo ketahuan, dia pura2 innocent terus nunjuk airnya sambil bilang aduuuh.. padahal dia yg bikin!

Nooo, sambil geleng2 kepala, gara2 diajarin DVD pendidikan (baby einstein?).

Minta, Mau. Favorit dia tuh.

Jet juga suka ikutan gw karaoke, suka rebut mic, tapi kalo dikasih mic most of the time cuman digigitin doang, sometimes dia nyanyi sih, tapi yeah most of the time ngotorin mic gw dengan air liurnya .. sigh.

Jet suka tap dancing kalo denger music yg beritme.

Jet ambil sisir, sisirin diri sendiri, sometimes sisirin gw juga hehe.

Holiday Season

I am talking a week off work and am having a great time with Jet. Almost every day Jet get to get out from the house.
So far this week, he has gone to St Andrews Cathedral & City, Johnson’s house and Bondi.
Photos will be added to this post, if dad has time, so much to do, so little time.

Another trip

To celebrate Jet’s 1st birthday, Oma wanted to give him a small birthday party in Surabaya. We thought it would be a good time to go back as Ama and Engkong haven’t seen Jet for awhile too. So we flew to Surabaya on the 28th July.

Jet wasn’t eating and sleeping well during his stay in Surabaya. But nonetheless he’s still a good entertainer, Oma, Ciknga and Makco were very happy having him around the house. He managed to pull his best personality when he’s around people, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case when he’s just with his parents.

Oma held a small-ish birthday party for him. It was held on Resto Nine, which is quite close to where I live.

After few days in Surabaya, it was time to go to Ambon, Lina’s hometown. There he’s eating and sleeping pattern have improved, that’s also probably due to the fact that it was rainy and cold for most of the days when we were there. On the first few days, he was ill, he’s got minor fever for 1-2 days, but thankfully it wasn’t anything serious. This time Ama and Engkong also gave Jet a small birthday party. As Ambon has quite a few of beautiful beaches, we had planned to take Jet for swimming, however the weather prevented us to do so.

After about 3 weeks in Ambon, Jet, Lina and Ama came (back) to Surabaya, spent another 4 days there and then flew to Singapore. I think in Singapore Jet and Lina were having their best time for this holiday. Most notable is their visit to Sentosa Island, where Jet finally being able to taste the sea water as well as touching big snake (hii.. ). I was told that Jet also took a liking to San and Lisye’s dog Mavin.

Hii Snake!
Nice Doggy
Jet and Mavin

Now Jet is back in Sydney, he doesn’t want to sleep in the cot anymore (as he hasn’t been sleeping in the cot for weeks).. We are planning to get Jet to sleep on his own on a separate room to us, not sure how’s that going to work now.. But we shall see.

8th Month

I haven’t updated this blog for awhile now, I had been pretty busy and didn’t feel like blogging for awhile.

We went to Newcastle on January long weekend. We had a good time and Jet seemed to be enjoying himself as well.

with mom on nelson bay
long trip, one has to strech

In the speech department, starting about 2 months ago, Jet had been able to say “mama” and meant it (usually when he cries and wants Lina to pick him up). Couple of weeks after that, he can say “papa” and relate the word to me. In the last few weeks he has been talking quite a lot, he talks to himself and he talks to us, his (baby language) vocabulary has also grown.

Jet has started to learn how to stand up on his own, which must be an exciting discovery for him as he seems to be enjoying this activity a lot.

The last few days, we tried to get Jet to sleep on his own on his cot, this is still a struggle for us. Usually, he falls asleep at our bed, and once he sleeps, we then move him to his cot. We decided that he needs to start being little bit independent from us and thus trying to get him to sleep on his own. He doesn’t take it too well and now is having a regular crying session (1-2 hours) before finally tiring himself to sleep. We hope that he’ll adapt to the new situation soon and stop crying.

Another concern that we have is that in 2 weeks time there’s church camp, which means another break from the habit we are trying to set for him. Furthermore in 2-3 months time we are going back to Indonesia, which will have a huge impact on the his routine and habit.