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EOY 2024 Holiday

Closing the year of 2024 with a week long family road trip covering Albury, Melbourne and Canberra. It’s always a good time spending time with family and with some of our old church friends.

Road trip with Tesla

Traveling with an electric car does require a planning ahead as there are not as many chargers compared to petrol stations. My Tesla model 3 has a 425 km range fully charged – which is plenty for everyday use but for this road trip I wish it is more.

The main inconvenience is the time to charge – on average we spent around 30 mins to charge the car – this is using Tesla superchargers. From Albury to Melbourne, there was one supercharger (Euroa) with a long queue, thankfully we had just enough charge to skip that one.

We charged 11 times using Tesla superchargers during the whole trip, kind of glad owning a Tesla and have access to its charging network (note: some of Tesla superchargers are open to other brands too).


I was quite surprised on how developed and lively Albury is. We ate dinner at Albury Brewhouse which was surprisingly good! The loaded fries is so good ๐Ÿ˜‹

Notable mention – nice ice cream at Monumental ice creamery.

Melbourne City

We stayed at an apartment in A’Beckett street near RMIT – which is close to everywhere. Melbourne certainly has a lot more food options compared to Sydney and yes we ate quite a bit. Some notable places that we visited:

  • Lulu’s Char Koay Teow – we ate once at the Hardware Ln shop and the following day at the newly opened Chadstone branch. It was good – but not that good that it’s a must visit in my opinion, on par with other good Malaysian places in Sydney. The chicken rice was really delicious.
  • Code Black Coffee at Flinders Lane – had a nice single origin long black. I wanted to do more cafe crawl however some of the famous cafes that I wanted to visit were closed (due to holiday period).
  • Zhan Beers at 474 Little Lonsdale St is certainly memorable, we ate our dinner there before watching the fireworks. The place was small and cozy, the food is good, super friendly service, our yummy makgeolli was served on chilled aluminium bowls adding to the charm of the place. The vibe was just great with this place.

In one of the days we visited Chadstone Shopping Centre, apparently the biggest shopping mall in Australia – which I have never heard of ๐Ÿ˜… It has Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands vibe – with its layout and its high-end label shops. We didn’t get to explore much unfortunately as it was nearing closing time when we finished dinner.

Posing under our favourite brand Chanel (not)

We went to watch 9:30pm New Year Eve’s fireworks at Docklands, we miscalculated time taken to walk there from our dinner place (Zhan Beers) – we arrived at 9:35 and caught a little glimpse of the fireworks — we were quite disappointed that the fireworks were not shot high enough hence it’s obstructed by buildings and it was finished in about 10 mins. We went back to our apartment after that and experienced the midnight fireworks from our balcony (we could see some reflection of fireworks on the building surround us), again it was over quite quickly to our dismay – while the Sydney fireworks was still ongoing in our TV.

Dockland fireworks ๐Ÿ˜‚

Geelong, Torquay and 12 Apostles

On Monday we did an ambitious day trip from Melbourne to 12 Apostles via Geelong. We stopped by at Geelong for lunch and I was pleasantly surprised with how developed Geelong is (compared to our visit 7 years ago).

We then drove to Leopold and then to Torquay then continued to 12 Apostles.

12 Apostles is just absolutely stunning – for me, this is the highlight of the trip, amazing God’s creation. If I have the opportunity to go back – I’d do a multiple days trip starting from Geelong and driving along the Great Ocean Road. There are many things to see in this part of Victoria.

To be noted there was a porting mobile number drama during this trip, iykyk.


We end our trip with relaxing 2 days in Canberra. We visited Mint Museum, a couple of lookouts, Parliament House and National Arboretum Canberra.

Baba Roti

Mam was making some roti boys today and while we were eating it – Matt suddenly said: “if we make a lot of these, one day we can open a bakery and call it Baba Roti!” ๐Ÿ˜€ (Matt’s nickname is Baba – or Bubba – ko’s version)

Matt’s reflection on 2016

Things that I thank God for in 2016

  1. Guakong- he fell down the stairs.His head was bleeding and had to go to hospital, but he survived.
  2. Oma’s stroke- Thanks to God, she survived.
  3. Friends-Thank you to my best ย friends, Bennett and Henry.
  4. Family- Thank God that I can spend time with my current family and extended.
  5. Holidays-




Things that I need to work on:



Love Languages

Been reading Love Languages for Children. The author states that child’s primary love languages are always changing and you cannot find out until the child is older than 5 years.

However me and Lina think Jet’s primary language is Quality Time (accidentally it is also Lina’s), this evidenced by his often cravings for attention, he doesn’t like to be alone for long.

Would be interested to see whether this will change as he grows, also eager to know what the 2nd child is like, what’s his/her love language..

Jet pingsan sebentar

Wah bener2 bikin kuatir deh nih anak. Dia kan emang beberapa hari belakangan kurang enak badan, pilek, bersin2 dan agak batuk. Tapi udah mendingan, terus hari ini he seemed OK, so kita taruh dia di creche whilst gw dan Lina ke UniChurch Together today.

Pas udah hampir selesai acara (sekitar jam 11:45-an), si Umin nyamperin gw bilangin kalo si Jet sakit. Terus kita buru2 turun ke bawah, terus si Jet keliatan lemes banget dipegangin ama si Alice. Terus Glorya bilangin kalo si Jet sempat kehilangan kesadaran beberapa saat dan dia udah telpon ambulance. He looked so pale and weak. Pas dipangku Lina dia langsung tutup mata dan tidur.

Terus ambulance datang, petugas ambulancenya cek si Jet, terus found out kalo dia panas banget (39 derajat) dan bilang kalo harus dibawa ke rumah sakit sekarang juga. Ya udah akhirnya Lina dan Jet pergi naik ambulance, gw pergi naik mobil.

Dokter di hospital bilang dia mungkin tiba2 mengalami demam mendadak makanya pingsan.

Dia udah pulang rumah sih, suhu badan masih very high (39 derajat), we pray supaya bisa turun soon. Oh, what a day. Pikir2 Jet udah lumayan sering pergi ke Emergency-nya Randwick’s Children’s Hospital. Must continue be praying for him and Lina, as she’s exhausted.

Jet rewel

Gara2 Jet sakit, dia jadi rewel banget.. Suka merengek, nangis dan somehow jadi rebelious dan stubborn banget, ga mau pray, ga mau baca bible, he’s not his usual self. Also gara2 dia sakit, kita jadi miss PGF social ke Watson Bay (agak kecewa sih, tapi untung diremind oleh Vic C kalo ministry prioritasnya ke keluarga dulu).

Last night was very tiring for me and Lina, Jet woke up at 11pm and couldn’t sleep until 1am, so we had to take turn in accompanying him (he’s usually quite easy to sleep). Today also rewel2 a bit, but thank God up until now his sleep is quite good, hopefully it will stay like this for the rest of the night.

Turning 2

I took a day off last Friday (25/07) on Jet’s birthday. We went to Sydney Aquarium. Unfortunately Jet wasn’t appreciating the trip as we thought he would, but at least me and Lina were enjoying the aquarium. He was a bit cranky and the rainy weather didn’t make it any easier.

We then went to Sushi Rio at Sussex St for dinner, it was a so so sushi restaurant so wont’ be recommending it.

On Saturday, we picked up the cakes from Eastgarden and took some pictures. We then had lunch at Java.

On Sunday, we had a little celebration with the Sunday school kids and teachers (or carers?).


Happy birthday son! May you grow to know Christ as your Lord and Saviour.l