Ladies and gentlemen, hereby announcing that little Matthew has turned to three!!!!
Semakin bertingkah, cerewet, bandel – tapi gemesin, and definitely a blessing for us. Never a dull moment with si Matt.

Ladies and gentlemen, hereby announcing that little Matthew has turned to three!!!!
Semakin bertingkah, cerewet, bandel – tapi gemesin, and definitely a blessing for us. Never a dull moment with si Matt.
Jet has settled in in the new school now, and he started to experimenting a little bit with his drawing and colouring. Before he doesn’t like use different colours, he usually just use 1 colour for everything.
The left and the centre were our family drawing. But we are a family of four, who is the other one? Could it be Jet is prophesying? The fifth member is apparently Jimmy Giggle from the TV show Giggle and Hoot. The right drawing is a monster cat.
From left: Jet at the park, Daddy and Jet, the toy that he got from Oma (kinda like potato head)
Above is actually Matt’s colouring. We are quite surprised that he is a multi colour kind of boy from the start, unlike his brother.
Jet and Matt were baptized last Sunday, 13/02/2011, among with other 3 other GFI children.
It was a humbling and a moving experience for us, we are now making our commitment to bring up our children as God’s children publicly. It was also a good reminder for me on what baptism really (in this case children baptism) means.
I’ve taken an excerpt from Baptism Service which I think does the explaining of children baptism really well (note: I’ve reformatted them slightly – emphasis are mine, I’ve also listed Jet and Matt not the other children):
Baptism: An explanation
Jesus said:
"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.(Mark 10:14-16)
Children are baptised on the understanding that:
- They will be brought up as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and that
- When they are old enough they will take upon themselves the promises that are made on their behalf.
Therefore, let us pray that God will grant to Jeremiah and Matthew that which by nature they do not have, that by the work of God’s Holy Spirit they may grow up to know the forgiveness of their sins, and to put their trust in the Saviour who laid down his life for them.
The meaning of the children baptism is simply summarized by the 2 points above, for us the parents to bring up as followers of Christ (our promises), with the hope that they themselves one day confess that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour.
Oh, how we long for that day to come.
The godparents were also making a promise, their promise is to pray and seek to encourage both Jet and Matt in the name of Jesus Christ. Kuku San is Jet’s godfather and I i Chen is Matt’s godmother.
And then the congregation prayed together.
We receive Jeremiah and Matthew into the congregation of Christ’s flock and pray that they will not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, but will bravely fight under his banner against sin, the world, and the devil, and continue as Christ’s faithful soldiers and servants until the end of their lives.
Amen indeed.
Jet went next, Kuku San was supposed to hold him but he was so scared – so I had to hold him instead.
See Jet, it wasn’t scary at all – it’s just water (from the rest room 🙂 ).
Matthew turned two last Tuesday. We had 3 celebrations with 4 cakes in total!! He’s very spoiled.
Celebration #1 on the 14th – mom and grandma bought cakes for him.
Celebration #2 – at Sunday School – we brought cakes and goodies bags for his Sunday School friends. Below are his faithful Sunday School teachers.
Celebration #3 – Sunday evening with family and friends. We had lapis Surabaya cake, very yummy.
Thank God – he had a good time with his celebrations. We are entering the terrible two phase – we are praying that it would be the terrific two instead.
Lina has been training Matt to sleep on his own cot starting last week. He’s been doing better every day, at first he woke up quite frequently and cried when he realized he wasn’t sleeping beside Lina.
And now the frequency of his waking up seem to be lessen and so is the intensity of his cries. Thank God for that, I really proud of him, it’s another sign of him growing up. And I really proud of Lina too – she hasn’t been able to sleep well because of this transition and she’s consistent eventhough she feels sorry for Matt sometimes.
Would be interesting to see what will happen in few weeks time when we move to the new place.
In the last few weeks, Matthew has been having problem sleeping at night. It has to do with his ongoing cough, in the middle of his sleep, he’d cough and awaken – sometimes he can fall asleep again by himself but at other times he’s fully awake and cries in frustration. This affects Lina badly as she’s sleeping with Matthew. Both of them hasn’t been able to sleep well at all.
Wow, time really did fly – I can’t believe Matthew is one year old now. We were celebrating his birthday in Singapore with both family members from my side and from Lina’s side are there.
We had a good time and certainly very good food! On that day, we also celebrated Coco’s 75 birthday.
Tiup lilinnya – seperti biasa koko yang paling semangat. The cake was huge and tasted really nice.
Too much delicious (and traditional) food in addition to the huge cake..
So excited – oblivious to the fact that he has turned one today.
Matt enjoying the bling2s given as present for him.
Son, my wish for you is to know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and that you will be used by God for his glory.
Wow – 9 months already! It has been a joy watching both of my boys growing up – I really thank God for them (and for my wife too) – I am so undeserving (I guess that’s the story of being a christian anyway).
Matthew has been crawling ke sana ke mari – walaupun merangkak masih kaya ulet – alias perut masih nempel di tanah. He also like to gangguin kokonya – kalo si koko maen something dia pasti mau ikutan – sampe si Koko sebel juga sometimes – but they love each other and that what matters.
Matthew gigi atas muncul 2 – GEDE banget!! Jadi kurang cute deh dia – but still adorable anyway 🙂
On the less happy note – for the past few weeks Lina had been a hard time to sleep not entirely caused by the kids – but she just couldn’t even when the kids were sleeping. And needless to say with her having very little sleep – it did create a stress in our family relationship – we bought some insomniac medication yesterday thank God she’s been sleeping not too badly without having to use the medicine.