All posts by felixt


Jeremiah has thrown his worst tantrum yet. He didn’t want to sleep by himself, he cried and screamed.

I have never delivered this level of punishment before and yet it didn’t seem to work on him today. I felt sad and disappointed. I am sad as Jet’s behaviour seems to deteriorate (despite our prayers for his characters). I am disappointed as I have given in to my anger and not using my head more.

It seems that it’s not Matthew that requires control crying. Lina suggested that if he’s making problems tomorrow we should try to ignore him as our negative attention seems to fuel his negative behaviour.

I think we need to pray more for this boy, where has the old Jet gone?


Having said this, I need to remind myself that Jet is still a lovely boy though, he’s still happy, clever and articulate boy. And I thank God for that.





Matthew – 2nd month

DSCN4118 Smiley Matt.

We went to FOCUS Grad Camp 09, this is Matt’s first camp, hopefully more to follow. The camp was marked with extreme heat, I think it was around 40-ish degree on the hottest. Matt was coping with the extreme heat quite well, thank God (although me and Lina weren’t).

07022009384 Matt taking a bath.

Matt has grown a lot too, his height and weight are nearly topping the growth chart. Lina also mentioned Jet’s 5 months old clothes don’t fit Matt anymore.

Apart from his habit of sleeping during the day and waking up at night, I really enjoy him.

More interactions with Matt

DSCN4076Over the last few weeks, it appears that Matt has an increased awareness of people and faces.

For instance, whenever I walk around the room, his eyes would follow. And also, the best part is, he’s now able to smile and more recently laughing audibly whenever someone is looking at him face to face.

Grandma and grandpa have also been able to have some sort of conversation with Matt.

This is a little joy worthy of thanking God for, especially as we are still really struggling with accommodating both Jet and Matt in our life.

After a month

Well, although we started quite well in the first week or so, things do get tougher afterwards.

Our biggest challenge at the moment is Lina’s lack of sleep. For the last 2 weeks, Matt hasn’t been sleeping that well at nights. He usually wakes up at about 10pm-11pm and then he wouldn’t sleep until 3am-4am. And when he’s not sleeping, he’s crying. And then Jet usually wakes up around 7am-7.30am, so as you can imagine Lina can only sleep for a very short period of time.

Lina and MatthewI really hope I can of help in this, but it’s quite hard because I can’t feed Matt (Matt is still breast feeding) so it has to be Lina. And when Jet wakes up at 7.30am I couldn’t look after Jet as I have to leave for work so Lina has to wake up and look after him. And for some reason, Lina also is not able to take naps, she just couldn’t sleep. So she’s often very tired and easily irritated.




Jet, Met and Eggs

Jet also been quite handful lately. Although I have no doubt of Jet’s love to Matt, but there is no doubt that he’s craving for more attention lately. He started to scream more and acting up more as well. As mentioned previously he’s also very curious with Matt, so whenever we leave Matt lying somewhere, he would come to Matt. Most of the times he would just want to observe his baby brother, chat to him, basically just showing his interest to Matt, however Jet’s problem is he cannot keep his hands to himself so we couldn’t leave him by himself with Matt (not yet anyway).


On the plus side, Jet is getting used to sleeping off by himself. Before he always asks for companion when he’s trying to sleep, but these couple of days, after reading bible and pray with him, we can just leave him and he would sleep by himself.

I also really thankful for Lina’s family, Lina’s parents and sister have been really2 helpful in helping us. On the weekdays, they would come and keep Jet company while Lina can concentrate on Matt. On the weekends, we can drop off Jet at their place for few hours so we can do things that need to be done. I am not looking forward for their departure on March.

I think things will get better over the time as Matt settles to a  better pattern of sleeping and feeding. Hopefully things will get better sooner than later. Definitely need lots of prayers.

The 1st week

The first week has been both well and not so well. It’s better than our first week with Jet simply because now we know things better and also Matt is so far easier to handle than Jet, he doesn’t cry as much as Jet did.

However not so well because dealing with 2 children is actually very tough. There are numerous occasions when both children needs our attention. For instance when Matt needed to be fed but Jet wanted to sleep with Lina to accompany him. It can be very frustrating sometimes for Lina especially on period when no one is able to help her with the 2 children.

Luckily Jet is starting to get used to the idea that he won’t be having as much attention from Lina as before and he’s also starting to understand that I will try to fill in the gap that Lina left (as well as he just need to grow up more, like sleeping by himself more and more). Come to think of it, Jet has been really good with Matt, I think he simply loves him. Often when Matt cries and we are somewhere else, Jet would be the first to run to Matt and he will either to calm Matt on his own way or shouted to notify us, we can see his face is worried whenever Matt cries. We still try to teach restrain to Jet as he is quite rough sometimes, we know he didn’t mean to be rough to Matt but it’s just his character, he is quite physical.

Jet loves Met DSCN3386


Love Languages

Been reading Love Languages for Children. The author states that child’s primary love languages are always changing and you cannot find out until the child is older than 5 years.

However me and Lina think Jet’s primary language is Quality Time (accidentally it is also Lina’s), this evidenced by his often cravings for attention, he doesn’t like to be alone for long.

Would be interested to see whether this will change as he grows, also eager to know what the 2nd child is like, what’s his/her love language..