One thing that I have come to realized about parenting is: expect to your child to get very sick at a time and always be prepared to go to hospital. We have had a couple visits to the Randwick Children Hospital’s Emergency for Jeremiah (on a different tangent, I am really thankful for the Australian government – the health care and welfare support in this country is really excellent – high quality medical service for almost no cost!).
Well on his turning to 4 months, Matthew had his first visit to the emergency. Thursday night Matthew was un-characteristicly hard to settle, he only had little sleep that night. We thought it’s just one of his hard to settle days. Around 5am Lina woke me up, as Matthew was still unsettled, she checked his temperature and it was high. When you have a child, you’d know the drill, never take risks just go to the hospital just in case. And so we did.
In the hospital, the team of doctor and nurses ran a few tests on Matt and unfortunately most of these tests require Matt’s blood. And the poor baby, he was crying and screaming for few hours as a result of the pain from his sickness as well as from the needles. The doctor noticed a bruise on Matt’s right foot and they think it might have something to do with it.

The tests came negative which mean nothing serious
However because they couldn’t worked out the cause of the illness, they wanted Matt to stay and the hospital. He stayed at the hospital for few days, he was allowed to go home on Monday. Needless to say, it was a very tiring and stressful time for everyone in the household (+Chenny as well). The doctor later told us that it’s very likely that Matt got a skin infection and the infection went to his blood stream – according to Lina this was very serious condition – so thank God that nothing worse happened.
Still health related, Matt’s skin is getting worse, he’s definitely got excema just like Jet.
On a happier note, Matthew had his first cukur rambut this month – see previous post on the video of the occasion.
Jet was pretending to be a Japanese tourist in front of a domestic tourist attraction – Matt’s first haircut. Jet was trying to make a peace sign but the wrong side of his hand LOL! – what a cutie!
Other than that, Matt is still a happy chap with the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen..