Well, so much has happened, I am not sure what exactly but I am pretty sure a lot has happened.
Whenever something worth blogging comes up – I put it off. Trying something new now, got the urge to blog anyway, rather than waiting for the next blog worthy thing – I’ll just blog whatever I have in my mind at the moment.
Ok, let’s start with Jeremiah. Jeremiah has started pre-school this year. The first few weeks were difficult. He didn’t enjoy his time at school – we also suspect the teachers were quite strict with him as well. But we prayed about it, and you know what God answered our prayers, the last couple of weeks has been good. Partly because there is a new teacher, his name is Todd. Jet really likes him somehow. Jet often wears a hat and put on a shoulder bag and introduce himself as Todd 🙂 Jeremiah went to pre-school 2 days a week – Tuesday and Wednesday, daddy was forced to take a gym day off on Tuesdays, as Tuesday morning could be hectic – but hey it’s for the kid – so it’s worth missing a gym day.
As usual Jet’s most noticeable growth is always in the linguistic area – he’s getting wittier with his comments. I-i Chen also taught him some foreign languages like Japanese and Korean – he seems to grasp them quite easily. I would really like to see growth in terms of bodily height – but alas he’s not growing much in that area – but maybe that’s a good thing – he can always be my cute little boy 🙂
Now Matthew, oh man, we called him Tiu-Tiu the Terrible – yes, it’s a terrible nickname for such a cute toddler – but boy oh boy this boy is a destroyer. His other nickname is Godzilla. He just loves to “acak-acak” – say if Jet builds something with Lego blocks – he will come and destroy it, he likes to rip pages off from books and magazines, he likes to pull and rip tissues from the tissue box. He also likes anything that’s yucky – which is the exact opposite of Jet – Jet is a clean freak. Jet also quite obsessed with order, that is, he’ll get upset if things are not in the supposed order – well, Matt just loves chaos! So now we have a problem as the two cannot play well together..
But Matt, is such a beautiful toddler. He’s very cheeky – he likes to play hide and seek, he loves to play dead sometimes and he’s starting to be able to pronounce words clearly too – his latest word was Cocu (supposed to be Coco). And he has this sweet tone when calling Papa or Mama, so adorable. We need to discipline him – but when he looks at us with his big and clear eyes – we usually just melt.
My favourite thing of going home from work is the welcoming party waiting for me on the balcony. It’s new habit this year – Koko, mama and Tiu2 wait for me on the balcony.
Anyway I thank God again for my two sons and my wife.