Barusan pulang dari rumah sakit.. Pas Sui ultah lagi.. hm hm. Pas pulang dari kantor, on the bus, I got a phone call from Sui telling me that Jet fell and vomitted twice.
Ceritanya sekitar jam 5.30-an somehow ade masuk kamar gw without anyone knowing (ling dan cece di luar), terus tiba2 ada bunyi DUK terus ade nangis.. Abis itu ade jadi clingy dan lemes pas jam 6.30-an dia muntah..
So akhirnya another visit to the Randwick Children Hospital deh. Ternyata dia ngga pa pa Thank God! Kata dokter vomitting nya most likely karena virus (dia agak demam juga sih) or something else not related to the fall.. but we were told to keep watch on his temperature (of course). After stayed di hospital selama 2 jam-an akhirnya jam 9.30 boleh pulang.. Besok ke GP deh..
Wah cape hari ini.